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  • What is Alpha Epsilon Delta?
    Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED) is a student-run organization here at the University of Florida. We function as both a pre-health honor society and a service organization, offering many unique volunteering opportunities to our members. We are currently ranked the #1 chapter in the nation and are one of the largest pre-health organizations on UF campus.
  • What is the time commitment for AEΔ?
    During your first semester after admission, you are considered an "electee." That electee semester requires roughly 60 hours of time commitment, including our general body meetings every other week, service events, and internal engagement. We operate on a point system in order to keep track of our members' involvement. This may seem daunting, but many members will tell you that completing all of your point requirements quickly becomes fun, and doesn't feel like a chore. We are always happy to work with you, and want AEΔ to be a positive impact on your life! After your electee semester, the member time commitment drops to around 30 hours per semester.
  • When are meetings? Are they mandatory?
    We hold our general body meetings every other Thursday. They are held at 6:30 and run until around 8:30. These meetings are REQUIRED for all members, and you must attend all of the meetings. Our GBMs are held on Thursday's at 6:30 every semester; this never changes. Outside of GBMs, we hold events nearly every day during the Fall and Spring. You are able to pick and choose which events to attend, so you can fit AED around your schedule.
  • I’ve seen the word “electee” a lot. What does that mean?
    Electee is what we call our new members. Upon admission, your first semester in AED is called your electee semester.
  • What makes AED different from other pre-health organizations on campus?
    We don’t like to compare/compete with other pre-health organizations. In fact, we have close relationships with many of the other organizations on campus. With that being said, we strive to be a well-rounded organization that offers service, social, philanthropic, and professional opportunities to all walks of pre-health students. We really do consider our members to be more like friends and family, and have immense pride in the welcoming environment that we foster.
  • Is this organization only for pre-med students?
    No! We are a pre-health honor society that prides itself on welcoming students from ALL pre-professional health tracks. Our member body consists of students pursuing pre-med, pre-DO, pre-PA, pre-dental, pre-nursing, pre-SLP, pre-OT, pre-PT, pre-vet, pre-public health, and many other tracks. Additionally, we welcome any and all majors, even if they aren’t STEM-related majors!
  • What kind of service opportunities are available?
    We have 8 different service divisions that work with different organizations all over the north central Florida and central Florida areas. Each semester, we offer 200-300+ hours worth of service opportunities that appeal to a wide variety of interests. We offer different events that work with populations such as animals, children, underserved communities, etc. There’s no limit on the experiences that we offer, but to name a few of the organizations we have worked with: Ronald McDonald House, Days for Girls, Habitat for Humanity, Stop Children’s Cancer, Keep Alachua County Beautiful, and countless others!
  • What other opportunities are available for members?
    Aside from service, our other pillars are philanthropy, professional development, and family. We work with different philanthropies in the Fall and Spring. Throughout each semester, we hold various internal and external fundraisers to help raise money for these organizations. We also offer events that help prepare our members for their careers as future health professionals. These events include guest speakers, informational sessions, grad school resources, workshops, etc. Lastly, we consider ourselves a tight-knit group of like minded individuals. We know that being pre-health can be challenging, so we pride ourselves on offering a welcoming and supportive environment.
  • Does AED offer shadowing or other clinical hours?
    No, AED does not internally offer any clinical hours. We are a service-based organization, however, we do offer you a network of members and alumni to help navigate different clinical opportunities.
  • How much are dues?
    Electee semester (your first semester after admission), dues are $95. This is what it costs to register you as a national member and get your certificate. Member dues are $20-30 every semester after that.
  • Where can I learn more about AED/stay up to date?
    Check out our Linktree to find our website, socials, and more info. The best place to know what's going on with us is our Instagram, @ufaed. If you have further questions, please feel free to email
  • What are the requirements to apply?
    We require a 3.3 overall GPA and a 3.3 UF science GPA. You must have two semesters of college completed before applying, and one of the two semesters has to have been completed at UF. Additionally, since we look at UF science GPA, this means that you have to have taken a science class at UF. We are a pre-health honor society, so we're looking for applicants on any pre health track, not just pre-med! We have members that are pre dental, pharmacy, nursing, vet, research, PT, OT, DO, SLP, PA, etc.
  • Do dual enrollment and/or transfer coursework count as a semester of college?
    Yes, any coursework completed at the college level can count towards one of your semesters of college completed. This includes dual enrollment or a semester(s) completed at another college. Remember, you must have two semesters of college completed total, with at least one of them being at UF (and a science course taken at UF). AP/AICE/IB credits do NOT count.
  • Can freshmen apply?
    Yes, if you have met all of the requirements. Since we require you to have completed two semesters of college, often freshmen are ineligible to apply. There are 2 scenarios when a freshman would be eligible to apply: You completed dual enrollment in high school AND did summer B at UF (with a science course taken at UF); you are eligible to apply your Freshman Fall You completed dual enrollment OR summer B (with a science course taken at UF): you are eligible to apply your Freshman Spring If it's your first time in college (no dual enrollment) and you started in the Fall, you'll be eligible to apply your Sophomore Fall—we're excited to see you then!
  • When do applications open?
    Our Spring 2025 applications open on January 20th, 2025 and will close on January 30th, 2025 at 11:59PM.
  • What is the application process like?
    1) Written Portion Our application is a Google form that has a few short answer questions as well as questions about your current involvement and time commitments. We also ask for your class schedule, UFID, GPA, and a handful of other demographic questions. It will be open during approximately the first two weeks of each Fall/Spring semester. 2) Interview After submitting your written application, you will sign up for an interview slot. These interviews are in-person and last anywhere from 20-40 minutes. We are mainly just trying to get a feel for your personality, and encourage you to be as open and authentic as possible! 3) Application Fee Applicants must Venmo $10 to @ufaed.
  • Can upperclassmen/seniors apply?
    Yes, as long as you aren’t graduating this semester. We're happy to welcome pre-health students that are at any point in their undergraduate career!
  • Are there any events I can attend before applying to learn more and meet people?
    Yes! Our recruitment happens during the first two full weeks of each Fall and Spring semester. We have an event almost every day of recruitment, both on campus and off campus. We typically have meet and greets with members, a restaurant fundraiser, an information session, an open house, and a few varying service events. More details about these events will be posted on our Instagram page @ufaed. Additionally, we will be tabling every weekday of recruitment on campus. Follow our Instagram for updates!
  • I have [class, work, etc.] on Thursday nights. Can I still apply?
    We hold our general body meetings every other Thursday. They are held at 6:30 and run until around 8:30. These meetings are REQUIRED for all members, and you must attend all five of them each semester (Fall and Spring only). Our GBMs are held on Thursday's at 6:30 every semester; this never changes. In light of this, we encourage you to apply in a semester where your Thursday nights are free from roughly 6-9pm. If there is a specific circumstance you would like to know about, feel free to email
  • What is a science GPA and where do I find it?
    This is not listed on your transcript, and must be calculated. Here is a link to a downloadable science GPA calculator: Courses falling under the following categories generally count towards the science GPA: Anatomy, Biology, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Botany, Cell Biology, Ecology, Entomology, Genetics, Histology, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Zoology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Astronomy, Physics, Applied Mathematics, Biostatistics, Mathematics, Statistics. If you have questions about a specific course, please email
  • What is the average science GPA of accepted members?
    We take a holistic approach when considering our applicants, so as long as you meet the 3.3 science & overall GPA requirement, we just want to get to know you! Be as authentic as you can be during your interview, and make sure your short answer questions reflect your personality!
  • If I’m in a social/Greek sorority/fraternity, can I still apply?
    Absolutely! We have many members who are in AED and other sororities/fraternities.
  • When are interviews?
    For the Fall 2025 application cycle, interviews will be held on the evening of Friday, January 31st, 2025 and the morning/early afternoon of Saturday February 1st, 2025. In general, interviews are held on the Friday and Saturday of the second full week of school each Fall and Spring; right after our applications for that semester close.
  • Where will the interviews be held?
    Interviews are typically held on campus in the HPNP building. Please refer to our instagram page @ufaed for more details about interviews and directions.
  • What is the dress code for interviews?
    Business Professional.
  • What should I expect during my interview? How should I prepare?
    These interviews are mainly focused on getting a sense of your personality! We want to learn more about who you are, so the biggest thing you can do is be try to be authentic and relaxed. Your interview can last anywhere from 20-40 minutes, and you will be interviewed by two members of our director board for the current semester—they are pre-health students just like you! It doesn't hurt to learn more about AED, what we do, and our divisions before your interview, (that information can be found on our website under "About Us") however we in no way expect you to have anything prepared. Just be yourself!
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