Alpha Epsilon Delta
The Pre-Health Honors Society at the University of Florida
Who We Are
Alpha Epsilon Delta (Florida Alpha Chapter) is one of the University of Florida's most respected organizations and ranked the #1 chapter in the U.S. We are a pre-professional honor society dedicated to providing unique community service opportunities and guidance throughout the undergraduate process for aspiring healthcare professionals.

What We Do
Our purpose is to make it easier for pre-health students to attain their lifelong goal: Becoming a Health Professional.

Service and Philanthropy
AED participates in over 100 projects each year in affiliation with American Cancer Society, Alachua County Health Department, Shands Hospital, Alachua County Humane Society, and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to name a few.
Professional Development
Members also benefit from prestigious speakers, professional shadowing, test banks, interaction with professional students and admissions officers, and assistance with the standardized test/application processes.
AED members can enjoy group activities including intramural sports and sponsored socials. We welcome all pre-health students and accept members from every race, gender, age, creed, and nationality.

Our Chapter
AED functions both as an Honor Society and service organization. This dual role is reflected in the societal structure and chapter activities. Chapters may be established in four-year degree-granting accredited colleges and universities. The national convention, held biennially, is the governing body of AED. All members are invited to attend and participate in its program. The National Officers, with the cooperation of the host chapter and Regional Director, arrange the place, date and program of the convention. One official delegate represents each active chapter at the convention. The official chapter delegates constitute the voting members at the business sessions during the convention. AED is affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies.